ADVERTISING AGENCY | creates advertising campaigns for clients, selects models. |
ART DIRECTOR | artist who creates layout for ads, illustrates model's poses. |
BLOCKING | the actual physical movements by actors in any scene. |
BLOWUP | enlargement photo from a negative or slide. |
BOOKER | person at agency who sets appointments for models. |
BOOK OUT | when you tell your agency that you are unavailable to work for certain day(s). |
BUYOUT | advance payment for future use of a print ad or a commercial for a specific period of time. |
CASTING | choosing models/actors for a specific job |
CATALOGUE MODELING | posing for mail order items for major retailers. |
CATTLE CALL | several agencies send many models of the same general type to a casting session. |
COMMENTARY | script used to describe clothes for a fashion show. |
COMMERCIAL | promotional advertisement on TV, radio or other media. |
COMMISSION | a percentage of model's fee required as payment to agency. |
COMPOSITE CARD | card with 35 photos of model and their details to promote and distribute to prospective clients. |
CREATIVE DIRECTOR | ad agency employee who determines the model type. |
FADS | an overdone fashion; passing craze. |
FASHION COORDINATOR | puts fashion shows outfits together in retail stores. |
FIT MODELING | modelling the original sample garment to test for sizing clients chose a model whose measurements match the sample size exactly. |
FORMAL FASHION SHOW, RUNWAY SHOW | invited audience, stage, music; models walk down runway to show designer clothing. |
FREELANCE | modelling for many clients without agency representation. |
FULL:LENGTH SHOT | head to toe photograph. |
HEADSHEET | agency sheet, poster, or book of models they represent that goes to prospective clients. |
HIGH FASHION | extreme, chic, sophisticated model type. |
ILLUSTRATION MODEL | poses for artists. |
INFORMAL FASHION SHOW | in stores or restaurants, walk around, no runway |
LINEUP | Position of model and garment in a fashion show. |
LOCATION | assignment site outside the studio. |
MARKET WEEK | 46 times per year when seasonal clothing lines are shown to buyers. |
MODEL BAG | a large tote in which you carry all your makeup and working essentials. |
MODEL RELEASE | contract in which the model gives permission to use the photo as the client specifies. |
MODEL AGENCY | represents model for employment and receives a percentage of the bookings. |
MONOLOGUE | a scene performed by one person for a client, that reflects a particular mood and demonstrates your acting talent. |
OPEN CALL | casting when the client sees all models suitable for the type requested. |
PORTFOLIO | casebook which show the model at his/her photogenic best and samples of their work (tearsheets). |
PRINTWORK | photography taken for catalogue and mail order, books, brochures, ads for magazines or newspapers, magazine covers, commercial photography for household products, business products and services, glamour products. |
PROOF | intermediate stage of photo development from which you can chose best poses. |
PUBLIC RELATIONS | creating an image of a product or service in the eyes of the public, mainly through newspaper articles. |
RESIDUALS | additional money paid when a piece runs in repeat. |
ROUNDS | calling on prospective clients for photography and television. |
RUNWAY | a narrow raised platform on which the model shows the clothing. |
SCOUT | to look for prospective models from other, smaller agencies, other locations. |
SHOWROOM WORK | manufacturer's showcase of a clothing line to buyers using live models when the seasonal clothing designs are being shown. |
SLATE | to state your name on camera before your commercial audition. |
SPEC SHOT | photographer's idea of a comp, which he/she hopes to sell to the client. |
SPOKESPERSON | model chosen to explain the features of a product/service. |
STATS | Statistical information of a model, including measurements, size, height, etc |
STOCK PHOTOGRAPHER | one whose work is not for a specific client or job, but whose photos get listed in a general catalogue by number for any client to select. |
STORYBOARD | artwork that shows each scene of a commercial. |
STROBE | light unit used by a photographer. |
TESTIMONIAL | celebrity declaration to the value of a product/service; improvisational endorsement of a product or service that the actor has officially tested, used and approved. |
TEST SHOTS; TEST PHOTOGRAPHY | free or low cost photos used to build a beginning portfolio 3/4. |
SHOTS | photo from head to mid thigh. |
TRADE SHOWS | industry promotional display of products/services usually in a hotel or convention centre. |
TRANSPARENCIES | the slide forms of a photograph. |
TRUNK SHOW | informal modeling of one specific designer line, usually in a store or small boutique. |
USAGE | additional fees for higher exposure, like a billboard or national use. |
WEATHER PERMIT | a location job that is dependent on fair weather, may be cancelled the day before or that morning. |