Modelling Tips
Portfolio is a set of 10 professional photographs that helps you in getting the best assignments.
Before going for a shoot get trained in camera facing techniques , poise and posture, expressions and other modeling techniques or contact us, our professional fashion photographers will train you in the required aspects.
For such training and to make port folio we offer various packages
At the beginning of your fashion modeling career, your portfolio should include: At least two head shots, two fashion shots, one full-length shot showing the proportion of your body (feet to knees, knees to thighs, thighs to waist, waist to shoulders, shoulders to the top of your head). You can wear anything that makes you feel comfortable and flatters your figure.
A portfolio consists of about ten 9"x12" photos. Every portfolio needs a mix of commercial and editorial shots, location and studio. You will also need at least one great body shot and one B&W head shot with minimal makeup.

Positive in attitude
Self reliant
Must have a poise
Move in style
Excellent at carrying oneself
Knowledge of self
Know the best angles

ADVERTISING AGENCY creates advertising campaigns for clients, selects models.
ART DIRECTOR artist who creates layout for ads, illustrates model's poses.
BLOCKING the actual physical movements by actors in any scene.
BLOW­UP enlargement photo from a negative or slide.
BOOKER person at agency who sets appointments for models.
BOOK OUT when you tell your agency that you are unavailable to work for certain day(s).
BUYOUT advance payment for future use of a print ad or a commercial for a specific period of time.
CASTING choosing models/actors for a specific job
CATALOGUE MODELING posing for mail order items for major retailers.
CATTLE CALL several agencies send many models of the same general type to a casting session.
COMMENTARY script used to describe clothes for a fashion show.
COMMERCIAL promotional advertisement on TV, radio or other media.
COMMISSION a percentage of model's fee required as payment to agency.
COMPOSITE CARD card with 3­5 photos of model and their details to promote and distribute to prospective clients.
CREATIVE DIRECTOR ad agency employee who determines the model type.
FADS an overdone fashion; passing craze.
FASHION COORDINATOR puts fashion shows outfits together in retail stores.
FIT MODELING modelling the original sample garment to test for sizing ­ clients chose a model whose measurements match the sample size exactly.
FORMAL FASHION SHOW, RUNWAY SHOW invited audience, stage, music; models walk down runway to show designer clothing.
FREELANCE modelling for many clients without agency representation.
FULL­:LENGTH SHOT head to toe photograph.
HEADSHEET agency sheet, poster, or book of models they represent that goes to prospective clients.
HIGH FASHION extreme, chic, sophisticated model type.
ILLUSTRATION MODEL poses for artists.
INFORMAL FASHION SHOW in stores or restaurants, walk around, no runway
LINE­UP Position of model and garment in a fashion show.
LOCATION assignment site outside the studio.
MARKET WEEK 4­6 times per year when seasonal clothing lines are shown to buyers.
MODEL BAG a large tote in which you carry all your makeup and working essentials.
MODEL RELEASE contract in which the model gives permission to use the photo as the client specifies.
MODEL AGENCY represents model for employment and receives a percentage of the bookings.
MONOLOGUE a scene performed by one person for a client, that reflects a particular mood and demonstrates your acting talent.
OPEN CALL casting when the client sees all models suitable for the type requested.
PORTFOLIO casebook which show the model at his/her photogenic best and samples of their work (tearsheets).
PRINTWORK photography taken for catalogue and mail order, books, brochures, ads for magazines or newspapers, magazine covers, commercial photography for household products, business products and services, glamour products.
PROOF intermediate stage of photo development from which you can chose best poses.
PUBLIC RELATIONS creating an image of a product or service in the eyes of the public, mainly through newspaper articles.
RESIDUALS additional money paid when a piece runs in repeat.
ROUNDS calling on prospective clients for photography and television.
RUNWAY a narrow raised platform on which the model shows the clothing.
SCOUT to look for prospective models from other, smaller agencies, other locations.
SHOWROOM WORK manufacturer's showcase of a clothing line to buyers using live models ­ when the seasonal clothing designs are being shown.
SLATE to state your name on camera before your commercial audition.
SPEC SHOT photographer's idea of a comp, which he/she hopes to sell to the client.
SPOKESPERSON model chosen to explain the features of a product/service.
STATS Statistical information of a model, including measurements, size, height, etc
STOCK PHOTOGRAPHER one whose work is not for a specific client or job, but whose photos get listed in a general catalogue by number for any client to select.
STORYBOARD artwork that shows each scene of a commercial.
STROBE light unit used by a photographer.
TESTIMONIAL celebrity declaration to the value of a product/service; improvisational endorsement of a product or service that the actor has officially tested, used and approved.
TEST SHOTS; TEST PHOTOGRAPHY free or low cost photos used to build a beginning portfolio 3/4.
SHOTS photo from head to mid thigh.
TRADE SHOWS industry promotional display of products/services usually in a hotel or convention centre.
TRANSPARENCIES the slide forms of a photograph.
TRUNK SHOW informal modeling of one specific designer line, usually in a store or small boutique.
USAGE additional fees for higher exposure, like a billboard or national use.
WEATHER PERMIT a location job that is dependent on fair weather, may be cancelled the day before or that morning.

For Women
Bras - skin-coloured, white and black
Panties - skin-coloured, white and black
Body stocking - to match your skin tone
Boob tube - any colour
Tights - black and skin-coloured
Hair and make-up bags
Nail care bag - emery boards, clippers, buffer, polish
Hygiene necessities - tampons, deodorants, razors
Your wardrobe should include jeans, T-shirts and two basic
outfits - casual and formal. Take along saris with matching blouses and petticoats since they are requested for frequently. Pastel shades work best.
Accessories - scarves, headbands, hats, gloves, sunglasses, prop spectacles, belts and jewellery
Shoes - high-heeled black and neutral courts, flat black pumps

For Men
Underwear - white and skin-coloured briefs with athletic support
Socks - various colours and styles
Shoes - white trainers, classic black shoes
Trousers - various colours and seasonal fabrics
Jeans - classic blue and black
Make-up - foundation and powder to match your skin tone
Hair products - spray, gel, brush, comb, etc.
Hygiene necessities - deodorant, eye drops, contact lens solution, razors, etc. What men require for editorial and fashion modeling
Shoes - trainers, black and brown dress shoes, black and brown casual shoes, cowboy boots and sandals
Shirts - dress shirts, sports shirts, casual shirts in a variety of colours
Trousers - various colours and fabrics, including denim
Swimwear - boxer-style shorts and self-coloured briefs
Accessories - prop spectacles, watch, gold band, etc
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