Random Tips For Beauty Care The basic purpose of make-up is to give you a glowing and radiant look. Don't be too conscious about yourself. Few random tips for basic beauty care are follows.
Just think how many times have you looked into a magazine and wished to have the hair/skin/make-up that the model whom you became envious. You curse yourself for having missed the appointment with the beautician. Don't think too much, just follow some simple tricks.
Common Make-up Mistakes 
The basic purpose of make-up is to give you a glowing and radiant look. And the worst mistake is applying too much powder to the face. This gives the skin a very artificial matte look. Powder only where needed - the sides of nose and centre of brow and chin (if these areas shine). Using a cream-powder foundation instead of a sandwich technique of liquid plus loose powder, will help give you a lasting dewy fresh look.
Before Make-up If you use make-up regularly, it can affect the delicate skin of your face. However, a few precautions can help maintain the radiance of your face. Before applying make-up, wash your face, blot dry, put on your sunscreen and let it set for a minute or two, put on your antioxidant cream and finally apply your makeup.
Sunscreen and cream is best applied when the skin is still moist, which helps the creams to penetrate better. However, applying moisturizer to damp skin will act as a good foundation for makeup to go on more uniformly. Don't use too much moisturizer. Try gently blotting the face with a tissue to absorb any excess.
Fuller Lips
The most obvious way to get nice fuller lips is recreate shape outside the natural lip-line, however, that is a back dated idea. Instead, aim for a natural-look. Start by applying a light coating of a waxy lip-balm to provide a smooth texture. Now use a lip-pencil, one shade deeper than your natural lip-colour, to line the outer border. Round the points at the bow area of your lips using short light strokes. Next brush on a shimmering colour or gloss in the same shade, bringing the colour just short of the border.
- To make lips look fuller
Use a liner that perfectly matches lipstick
Line the extreme edges, till the corners
Fill with lipstick color.
Get a touch of gloss, on middle of lips only.
- To make lips look thinner
Use a liner that perfectly matches lipstick
Line the extreme edges, till the corners.
Fill with lipstick color.
Get a touch of
gloss, on middle of lips only.
- To make lips looks wider
Use a liner that perfectly matches lipstick Choose a lipstick
and lip liner of matching shades- opt for lighter colors, darker
ones can make lips appear smaller.
Define the lips using a lip pencil.
Don't go outside the natural lip line.
Fill the area with lip liner, to hold lipstick longer.vv
- For natural touch
Use a neutral colored pencil
Fill the insides with gloss blended with a few strokes of lip
The look you get- shimmery and moist.
Pores On Nose Pores look larger when they are clogged with the oil and sebum secreted by the skin. Removing the dead skin on a regular basis is the best remedy for this. Various methods that help include
" Use pore strips once a week for bet results.
" Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.
" Exfoliating with retinol products and Retin-A too helps.
" Another option is a series of glycolic acid peels. Any of these options cleans out the pores so they are less noticeable.
" If the problem still persists, consult a dermatologist for a treatment called microdermabrasion.
Night cream

Night creams come highly recommended as they aid your skin to heal itself from the day´s assaults. A treatment cream containing soothing ingredients and antioxidants helps revitalise the skin. What´s more, heavier and more moisturizing creams work best at night. However, if your skin is too oily a night cream would only worsen your problem.
Exfoliation sloughs away dull, dead cells and bringing radiant younger ones to light. However, the question is - how often should one exfoliate. If you do it too often, you skin may turn sensitive. The key is to exfoliate based on your skin´s resilience.
" If you have healthy skin, that is well moisturised you can exfoliate three to four times a week.
" Dry skin that´s not particularly sensitive can be exfoliated two or three times a week to get rid of flakes and scaly patches.
" Women with very sensitive skin or conditions like rosacea, eczema or adult acne should limit exfoliation to once or twice a week.
When choosing an exfoliating product, opt for a gentle scrub with synthetic beads, since "natural" ingredients like walnut shells or ground peach pits are often too harsh for skin. You can also go in for lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or retinol.
Stretch Marks
The main cause for stretch marks is a rapid gaining or losing of weight, particularly during pregnancy. The skin stretches too quickly and loses collagen or elastin fibers, leaving a thinner skin. This can be treated at its early stage with strong Retin A. You could also consult a dermatologist if it is really bad. However, don´t fret too much, for they fade away with time.
Scaly Skin
Scaly patches of skin can be a disappointment if you are planning to bare your skin. These spots are ´eczema´, which presents itself in a number of ways, including itching, rashes and thickened brown patches of skin. People who suffer from hay fever and other allergies may be at greater risk of developing eczema.
Keep the affected areas well moisturized using a thick moisturizing cream. You can also try experimenting with a lotion containing AHAs to slough off the thickened skin. Avoid picking or scratching at the patches as this can lead to bleeding and scarring. Visit a dermatologist if the problem persists.
Shaving Underarms
If you have a rough feel after you shave, it is most likely due to ingrown hairs. These occur when the just-shaved hair begins to grow, but curls back around and grows into the skin. You can avoid this problem by gently exfoliating the area every day with a grainy scrub. Also, moisturise daily with either a body lotion or lotion-based deodorant. If it still continues to itch, try waxing instead of shaving. Both of these hair removal methods leave hair softer and more flexible, and less likely to grow back into the skin.
However, trying to extract an ingrown hair can lead to an infection.